The website is protected under copyright 2012 and no part of its content may be downloaded, copied or distributed without prior permission being granted directly from is not responsible for any technical fault with the website, but endeavours to maintain its functionality for all visitors.

All information and descriptions on, are purely to describe the services provided by 'Fetch and Carry' or as accurately as possible. Images are meant for general website illustration or decoration purposes only.

For the purposes of any delivery job undertaken, the person engaging 'Fetch and Carry' or will be known here as "The Engager".

Contracting a delivery service from 'Fetch and Carry' or, whether verbally by telephone or in writing in any form including e-mail, indicates that "The Engager" agrees and accepts all our terms and conditions. "The Engager" must be 18 years of age to order or contract any service from us and all agreements of delivery jobs undertaken will be on the understanding that "The Engager" complies with this and all other terms and conditions outlined here.

Any given quotation or delivery fee and payment thereof is deemed to apply to one pick-up and delivery journey only, but includes any excess mileage necessary for 'Fetch and Carry' to access the delivery or pick-up location.

All payments agreed to will become due and should be paid in full at the following times:

  • If the pick up location is at the premises of "The Engager", the full payment will become due and should be paid prior to leaving the premises of "The Engager" en route to the delivery location.
  • If the delivery location is at the premises of "The Engager", the full payment will become due and should be paid, if not already paid by any other party, prior to handing over the delivered item to "The Engager".

Responsibility for the delivered item is relinquished by 'Fetch and Carry' or once delivery has taken place and a signature to confirm receipt is provided to 'Fetch and Carry' or

It is the purchaser's responsibility to ensure that the email address details of "The Engager" are correctly advised and that correct management of any spam or trash folders or any other filtering systems are maintained in order to ensure delivery of any necessary e-mails from 'Fetch and Carry' or

'Fetch and Carry' or reserves the right to refuse any item offered for delivery by "The Engager" if such item is considered unmanageable by one man and the van's weight and dimensions carrying ability. Full details of any such item that may fall into question under this paragraph must be given in advance of the commencement of any journey relating to any delivery job undertaken by 'Fetch and Carry' or on behalf of "The Engager", otherwise a fee to cover expenses of fuel and time will become due to 'Fetch and Carry' from "The Engager".

It is the responsibility of the sender of any item for delivery by 'Fetch and Carry' or to ensure that the item is packaged in a satisfactory way for the delivery journey. Photographs of any such item may be taken by 'Fetch and Carry' or prior to leaving the pick-up location premises and/or at the point of delivery.

Protecting your privacy is important to us. As required by the UK Data Protection Act 1998 we follow security procedures to protect the disclosure of any client information stored by us. We maintain your privacy by not revealing our client list to any third party.

Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve 'Ads by Google' when users visit webpages. Some of our website pages may in the future contain 'Ads by Google' and if so, information (but not the name, address, email address, or telephone number) about those visits to any such page on may be used by Google in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to the users. If you, as a general visitor to our website, would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this visitor information used, click here.

Your statutory rights are unaffected by these terms and conditions, and 'Fetch and Carry' and hopes and endeavours to supply a good service to all customers.



PLEASE NOTE: If you have an urgent delivery job please phone 07957 861310.